Your Opinion Matters!

4% of survey complete.
Customer Communication

The main objetive of this survey is to measure and evaluate service performance and customer satisfaction of the DGLAB's Network, in order to identify intervention priorities for the improvement of services currently provided.

The survey is available online throughout the year and is accessible from any of the DGLAB Network Archives. You may fill it out whenever you so wish.

For the pursuit of the staid objectives, it is very important that you answer the questions keeping in mind your most recent experience with our services or products.

The response time to this survey does not exceed, in average, 10 minutes.

The answers resulting are intended for statistical treatment only. For queries or related queries, use the channels available for that purpose.

The Directorate-General of the Book, Archives and Libraries assure the anonymity and confidentiality of the answers and ensures the dissemination of the results at (

Grateful for your cooperation,

Director-General of the Book, the Archives and the Libraries