Waste Management of Agri-food Waste – Wine Sector |
Thank you in advance for your contribution to this study.
This questionnaire is part of a survey aimed at identifying fundamental issues of waste management in the world wine sector and potential actions for a circular economy. This is an anonymous questionnaire. The data will be processed in an aggregated way and without any possibility of identification.
The results will be published as a book chapter expected for next year.
Please provide us the information related to the last season 2019/2020.
The questionnaire has 4 sections. Section 1 relates to the general data of the activity (region, size of the company, production, among others). Section 2 concerns the waste management of the viticulture production; Section 3 is related to the waste management at the winemaking process and Section 4 includes final wine operations regarding bottling and packaging.
If you have any questions, please contact pberardi@fe.up.pt or luciana.betiol@fgv.br