I am (was) strongly influenced in the workplace by the opinions of others
I am (was) strongly influenced in the workplace by the opinions of others 1-Strongly disagree
I am (was) strongly influenced in the workplace by the opinions of others 2-Disagree
I am (was) strongly influenced in the workplace by the opinions of others 3-Somewhat disagree
I am (was) strongly influenced in the workplace by the opinions of others 4-Neither agree nor disagree
I am (was) strongly influenced in the workplace by the opinions of others 5-Somewhat agree
I am (was) strongly influenced in the workplace by the opinions of others 6-Agree
I am (was) strongly influenced in the workplace by the opinions of others 7-Strongly agree
Other people influence(ed) me greatly at work
Other people influence(ed) me greatly at work 1-Strongly disagree
Other people influence(ed) me greatly at work 2-Disagree
Other people influence(ed) me greatly at work 3-Somewhat disagree
Other people influence(ed) me greatly at work 4-Neither agree nor disagree
Other people influence(ed) me greatly at work 5-Somewhat agree
Other people influence(ed) me greatly at work 6-Agree
Other people influence(ed) me greatly at work 7-Strongly agree
In my working environment I feel (felt) ‘‘cut off’’ from who I really am (was)
In my working environment I feel (felt) ‘‘cut off’’ from who I really am (was) 1-Strongly disagree
In my working environment I feel (felt) ‘‘cut off’’ from who I really am (was) 2-Disagree
In my working environment I feel (felt) ‘‘cut off’’ from who I really am (was) 3-Somewhat disagree
In my working environment I feel (felt) ‘‘cut off’’ from who I really am (was) 4-Neither agree nor disagree
In my working environment I feel (felt) ‘‘cut off’’ from who I really am (was) 5-Somewhat agree
In my working environment I feel (felt) ‘‘cut off’’ from who I really am (was) 6-Agree
In my working environment I feel (felt) ‘‘cut off’’ from who I really am (was) 7-Strongly agree
I don´t (didn´t) feel who I truly am (was) at work
I don´t (didn´t) feel who I truly am (was) at work 1-Strongly disagree
I don´t (didn´t) feel who I truly am (was) at work 2-Disagree
I don´t (didn´t) feel who I truly am (was) at work 3-Somewhat disagree
I don´t (didn´t) feel who I truly am (was) at work 4-Neither agree nor disagree
I don´t (didn´t) feel who I truly am (was) at work 5-Somewhat agree
I don´t (didn´t) feel who I truly am (was) at work 6-Agree
I don´t (didn´t) feel who I truly am (was) at work 7-Strongly agree
I behave(ed) in accordance with my values and beliefs in the workplace
I behave(ed) in accordance with my values and beliefs in the workplace 1-Strongly disagree
I behave(ed) in accordance with my values and beliefs in the workplace 2-Disagree
I behave(ed) in accordance with my values and beliefs in the workplace 3-Somewhat disagree
I behave(ed) in accordance with my values and beliefs in the workplace 4-Neither agree nor disagree
I behave(ed) in accordance with my values and beliefs in the workplace 5-Somewhat agree
I behave(ed) in accordance with my values and beliefs in the workplace 6-Agree
I behave(ed) in accordance with my values and beliefs in the workplace 7-Strongly agree
I am (was) true to myself at work in most situations
I am (was) true to myself at work in most situations 1-Strongly disagree
I am (was) true to myself at work in most situations 2-Disagree
I am (was) true to myself at work in most situations 3-Somewhat disagree
I am (was) true to myself at work in most situations 4-Neither agree nor disagree
I am (was) true to myself at work in most situations 5-Somewhat agree
I am (was) true to myself at work in most situations 6-Agree
I am (was) true to myself at work in most situations 7-Strongly agree
At work, I always stay (stayed) by what I believe(ed) in
At work, I always stay (stayed) by what I believe(ed) in 1-Strongly disagree
At work, I always stay (stayed) by what I believe(ed) in 2-Disagree
At work, I always stay (stayed) by what I believe(ed) in 3-Somewhat disagree
At work, I always stay (stayed) by what I believe(ed) in 4-Neither agree nor disagree
At work, I always stay (stayed) by what I believe(ed) in 5-Somewhat agree
At work, I always stay (stayed) by what I believe(ed) in 6-Agree
At work, I always stay (stayed) by what I believe(ed) in 7-Strongly agree
At work, I feel (felt) out of touch with the ‘‘real me’’
At work, I feel (felt) out of touch with the ‘‘real me’’ 1-Strongly disagree
At work, I feel (felt) out of touch with the ‘‘real me’’ 2-Disagree
At work, I feel (felt) out of touch with the ‘‘real me’’ 3-Somewhat disagree
At work, I feel (felt) out of touch with the ‘‘real me’’ 4-Neither agree nor disagree
At work, I feel (felt) out of touch with the ‘‘real me’’ 5-Somewhat agree
At work, I feel (felt) out of touch with the ‘‘real me’’ 6-Agree
At work, I feel (felt) out of touch with the ‘‘real me’’ 7-Strongly agree
At work, I feel (felt) the need to do what others expect (ed) me to do
At work, I feel (felt) the need to do what others expect (ed) me to do 1-Strongly disagree
At work, I feel (felt) the need to do what others expect (ed) me to do 2-Disagree
At work, I feel (felt) the need to do what others expect (ed) me to do 3-Somewhat disagree
At work, I feel (felt) the need to do what others expect (ed) me to do 4-Neither agree nor disagree
At work, I feel (felt) the need to do what others expect (ed) me to do 5-Somewhat agree
At work, I feel (felt) the need to do what others expect (ed) me to do 6-Agree
At work, I feel (felt) the need to do what others expect (ed) me to do 7-Strongly agree
I find (found) it easier to get on with people in the workplace when I am (was) being myself
I find (found) it easier to get on with people in the workplace when I am (was) being myself 1-Strongly disagree
I find (found) it easier to get on with people in the workplace when I am (was) being myself 2-Disagree
I find (found) it easier to get on with people in the workplace when I am (was) being myself 3-Somewhat disagree
I find (found) it easier to get on with people in the workplace when I am (was) being myself 4-Neither agree nor disagree
I find (found) it easier to get on with people in the workplace when I am (was) being myself 5-Somewhat agree
I find (found) it easier to get on with people in the workplace when I am (was) being myself 6-Agree
I find (found) it easier to get on with people in the workplace when I am (was) being myself 7-Strongly agree
At work, I feel (felt) alienated
At work, I feel (felt) alienated 1-Strongly disagree
At work, I feel (felt) alienated 2-Disagree
At work, I feel (felt) alienated 3-Somewhat disagree
At work, I feel (felt) alienated 4-Neither agree nor disagree
At work, I feel (felt) alienated 5-Somewhat agree
At work, I feel (felt) alienated 6-Agree
At work, I feel (felt) alienated 7-Strongly agree
At work, I behave(ed) in a manner that people expect(ed) me to behave
At work, I behave(ed) in a manner that people expect(ed) me to behave 1-Strongly disagree
At work, I behave(ed) in a manner that people expect(ed) me to behave 2-Disagree
At work, I behave(ed) in a manner that people expect(ed) me to behave 3-Somewhat disagree
At work, I behave(ed) in a manner that people expect(ed) me to behave 4-Neither agree nor disagree
At work, I behave(ed) in a manner that people expect(ed) me to behave 5-Somewhat agree
At work, I behave(ed) in a manner that people expect(ed) me to behave 6-Agree
At work, I behave(ed) in a manner that people expect(ed) me to behave 7-Strongly agree