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FastForward Live

Virtual event | June 10, 2021
Starts 9am PT (doors open 8:30am)
Ends 12:35pm PT

Joey Zwillinger, Co-founder, Co-CEO, Allbirds
Zander Lurie, CEO, SurveyMonkey

Delivering a win in your market can only be done when you have the right data at the right time. Whether you’re a brand leader, a marketer, an insights guru, or looking to invest in the next big thing, you need to constantly stay on top of fast-moving trends.

Join your peers as we investigate how curiosity, resilience, and agility can help you successfully track brands, markets, and trends. Register now and hear speakers from Allbirds, REI, Ferrero North America, and Cint. Don’t miss this half-day of learnings, innovation, and surprise guests.

Industry expert tracks

Demos with real data

Surprise guests

Live interactions

9-9:45am PT

Allbirds: The brand that made sustainability stylish

Who knew the most comfortable shoes in the world would be made of wool and sugarcane? Tim Brown and Joey Zwillinger did. Guided by curiosity, the Allbirds founders researched the market and confirmed their suspicion: consumers would love sustainable footwear. Join SurveyMonkey CEO Zander Lurie in conversation with Joey Zwillinger to learn more about Allbirds’s explosive growth and how the company uses agile market research to inform new products and global expansions.

Joey Zwillinger - Allbirds
Zander Lurie - SurveyMonkey

9:50-10:20am PT

Discover the future of market research. See what’s next from SurveyMonkey.

Curiosity is in our DNA and we know it’s in yours too. Join our market research product leaders as we unveil our new AI-powered insights platform built for radical speed. You’ll get first looks at our newest agile solutions with built-in, industry-proven methodologies to help you quickly gather market intelligence, optimize your products, and measure brand performance. Attend this session and revolutionize the way you do research.

Pri Carr - SurveyMonkey

General Manager, Market Research, SurveyMonkey

Samuel Bakouch - SurveyMonkey

Senior Director, Product Management, SurveyMonkey

Morgan Molnar - SurveyMonkey

Director, Product Marketing,

Antoine Andrews

Public sentiment is constantly fluctuating, and tumult of recent history has taken its toll on customers and employees alike. Understanding where the market is headed means reacting in real time to those changes.

Antoine Andrews
Chief Diversity & Social Impact Officer, SurveyMonkey

Industry tracks

Get ideas and best practices for building authentic B2C brands, create differentiation in the B2B space, and learn fast and effective ways to accurately make the next big investment decisions.


10:25-11:10am PT

2020 has taught us a lot about resilience and empathy. A full 46% of consumers we recently surveyed said they care more about social values today than they did a year ago. 55% said they are much more likely to purchase from a company that shares their values.

Join Antoine Andrews, SurveyMonkey Chief Diversity & Social Impact Officer, in conversation with Ben Steele, Executive Vice President, Chief Customer Officer, REI, and Steven Tristan Young, CMO, Poshmark, about the role of market research in defining a brand’s values and mission.

Ben Steele, Executive Vice President, Chief Customer Officer

Steven Tristan Young, CMO

Antoine Andrews, Chief Diversity & Social Impact Officer


11:15am-12pm PT

A business decision is only as good as the data it’s based on. That’s why data quality is a crucial factor in your market research. Just a few percentage points can make the difference between a sound strategy or a flawed plan. Join leaders from Ferrero North America, Cint, DISQO, and ESOMAR for a roundtable discussion on data quality issues, current trends, and promising technology advancements that will ensure high-quality data.

Charles Guilbeau, Vice President, Consumer and Shopper Understanding
Ferrero North America

JD Deitch, Chief Operating Officer

Bonnie Breslauer, Chief Customer Officer
DISQO and member of Coalition for Advancing Sampling Excellence

Judith Passingham, Chair
ESOMAR Professional Standards Committee

Samuel Bakouch, Senior Director, Product Management


12:05-12:35pm PT

It doesn’t take long to get the data you need to assess how your product or creative ideas will do in-market. Join this live, interactive session with our product experts and learn about agile brand tracking and concept testing for B2C brands.

Mark Muse, Senior Manager, Product Management

Adam Di Tota, Senior Product Manager

Speakers from Poshmark and DISQO