
A SurveyMonkey foi feita para atender a todos os casos de uso e necessidades. Explore e veja como a SurveyMonkey pode te ajudar.

Obtenha insights baseados em dados com questionários online.

Tenha acesso a recursos e ferramentas avançadas em uma única plataforma robusta.

Crie e personalize formulários para coletar dados e pagamentos.

Integre seus dados com mais de 100 aplicativos e plug-ins.

Soluções para todas as suas necessidades de pesquisa de mercado.

Crie questionários e descubra insights com nossa IA integrada.


Meça a satisfação e a fidelidade de clientes à sua empresa.

Saiba o que os clientes querem e torne-os defensores da sua marca.

Obtenha insights práticos para melhorar a experiência de usuários.

Colete informações de contato de clientes potenciais, convidados e outros.

Colete e monitore confirmações de presença para eventos.

Descubra o que as pessoas querem para melhorar seu próximo evento.

Descubra insights para melhorar o envolvimento de colaboradores.

Obtenha feedback de participantes para fazer reuniões cada vez melhores.

Use o feedback de colegas para melhorar o desempenho de colaboradores.

Crie cursos e métodos de ensino cada vez melhores.

Saiba como estudantes podem avaliar o conteúdo e a apresentação do curso.

Descubra o que clientes acham das ideias para novos produtos.


Práticas recomendadas para o uso de pesquisas e de dados.

Nosso blog sobre pesquisas, dicas de negócios e mais.

Tutoriais e guias de como usar a SurveyMonkey.

Como grandes marcas geram crescimento com a SurveyMonkey.

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Professional support and feedback solutions to help you navigate the future of work.


Get the insights you need to understand employee needs and sentiment to improve planning, balance resources, and reopen safely. Our agile solutions make it easy to collect and act on feedback so you can design policies that keep your team supported and safe in the new normal.

Use our Workforce Engagement solution to keep employees supported and connected by gathering and acting on candid feedback from your team, wherever they're working. Get detailed reports, survey setup, and programming with the help of our SurveyMonkey experts.

Use our Symptom Tracking solution to conduct health screens with a survey assessment template based on the CDC's Symptoms of Coronavirus list.¹ Quickly and easily screen employees in the United States, whether they’re working from home, onsite, or in the field via email, SMS messages, or any mobile device.²

Join other organizations getting the feedback and insights they need to adapt, reopen, and operate safely.

Simplify security with SSO and safeguard sensitive data with HIPAA and GDPR-compliant features, data encryption, access controls, and more.

Automate workflows and create and share richer insights when you connect your survey data with Salesforce, Power BI, or Tableau. Or, create your own custom apps with our API.

Collect responses easily and inclusively with flexible features including mobile response collection, multilingual surveys, and contactless feedback using QR codes.

“SurveyMonkey has created more efficiency in our return-to-work process and a better means of communication with our team members.”

Bill Walker, Chief Information Officer, Carlex Glass

Read more

2020 research report: How to adapt and thrive in times of crisis. Why agility and curiosity are key to helping organizations propel forward.

Get an individual plan with lighter features, create a team, or reach out to us about our solutions for Enterprise.

Reach out to our sales team to learn how SurveyMonkey can help your organization.

  • Get quotes on pricing and access to HIPAA-compliant features, integrations, and more
  • See how SurveyMonkey works with product demos
  • Hear how other organizations are using surveys to make business-critical decisions

We’ll get back to you shortly and will help answer all your questions.

¹ As of September 1, 2020. For more information, see:
² Advanced collectors such as SMS are optional and available only in select countries. The Symptom Tracking solution allows organizations to collect and use personal information about individuals, including health-related information, which may be subject to various legal requirements in different jurisdictions. THIS SOLUTION IS BUILT FOR AND INTENDED FOR USE ONLY WITHIN THE UNITED STATES. As with all SurveyMonkey services, please consult with your own independent counsel to confirm that your intended use of these services meets your legal needs.

Smiling HR employee holding a piece of paper and taking a video call on laptop

Líderes de RH podem usar este kit de ferramentas para criar experiências de colaboradores excepcionais.

A man and woman looking at an article on their laptop, and writing information on sticky notes

Promova transparência na sua organização permitindo que todos as pessoas envolvidas tenham acesso a informações relevantes e sinceras.

Smiling man with glasses using a laptop

Descubra como a woom usa a SurveyMonkey para criar pesquisas multilíngue em escala, melhorar a experiência e obter insights de clientes.

Woman reviewing information on her laptop

Novas pesquisas sobre as tendências do ambiente de trabalho e como os colaboradores estão equilibrando o tempo pessoal enquanto trabalham em casa e as diferenças entre trabalho remoto e presencial