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LAST UPDATED: August 1, 2023

These SurveyMonkey Marketo Integration Service-Specific Terms (“SSTs”) are additional terms that apply specifically to Customer’s use of our Marketo Integration service (“Service”) and are subject to and incorporated into the SurveyMonkey Governing Services Agreement (“Agreement”) between the parties. Capitalized but otherwise undefined terms in these SSTs have the meanings given to them in the Agreement.

1.1 Description.

The Service that allows users to automatically synchronize responses to their SurveyMonkey surveys with associated leads in Marketo. Additionally, new records can be created based on demographic information gathered in a survey. The Order Form may specify additional details about what you purchased.

2.1 SurveyMonkey Enterprise subscription required.

You must have a SurveyMonkey Enterprise subscription to be eligible to purchase and use the Service.

2.2 One subscription per business unit/product group.

If your organization has multiple business units or product groups and one of those units or groups has purchased the Service, only the licensed unit or group will be entitled to use the Service.

2.3 Appropriate Marketo Subscription required.

To be able to use the Service, you are required to have an appropriate subscription to the online services provided by Marketo, Inc. or its affiliates (“Marketo”) via Marketo’s website (“Marketo Subscription”). You, and not SurveyMonkey, are responsible for ensuring that the features and capabilities of your Marketo Subscription support the SurveyMonkey Marketo Integration and the purposes for which you intend to use the SurveyMonkey Marketo Integration. You may need to order additional services from Marketo in order for the Service to properly operate with your Marketo Subscription.

If your Marketo Subscription terminates for any reason, your associated Service subscription will automatically terminate. You will not receive a refund of any fees prepaid for the Service in the event of such termination.